Dry Verge Systems

Dry Ridge Systems

PRS Roofing, dry roofing systems, dry verge and dry ridge systems installed

About Our Dry Roofing Services

Traditionally roof verges and ridge tiles have mortar based fixings and although we do carry out repairs on both, we also upgrade to the new upvc products.

Dry Verge Systems & Dry Ridge Systems

Dry roofing offers a stronger protection against the elements than mortar, giving a long term maintenance free solution.

There is no need for mortar, making the job of fixing the ridge quick, easy and clean, as well as making it possible during frosts and other adverse weather conditions.
Dry roofing offers exceptional resistance to water penetration.

Most new builds have the dry roofing systems installed and older properties can be upgraded.

Dry Verge

Dry Verge Systems are a very popular product and provide a neat, secure and mortar-less finish at roof verges.
Each system comprises of verge units to suit left and right hand verges - these are available in colours to complement the roof tiles.

Dry Verge is the perfect low maintenance, weather proof and pest proof finishing touch to any roof specially designed to neaten up roof edges and block up any gaps that could possibly allow infestation into the roof.

Dry Ridge

The advantages of dry ridge is that the ridge tiles are mechanically fixed into place, which makes them far more secure than the unreliable mortar.

They can withstand the changeable weather we endure in the uk, offer more protectection and are extremely durable.

They also allow for the natural movement of the building, which mortar does not. Dry ridge systems allow for air circulation to help prevent condensation occuring in the roof space/loft.

With no need for mortar, the dry ridge systems are extremely low maintenance and so work out much more economical in the long run.

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